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It's not often an author gets to revisit the books she loved best, bring them into today's even more electronic world and then re-publish.  This book with it's spectacular new cover is  now available on Kindle for your enjoyment.


        If they give you the same pleasure reading them that I got from writing them, then I did it right!

Kill a Painted Pony   -   Updated & Re-released



For Annabelle Oaklee 'painted pony' means two things: her favorite American Paint horse, Target, - the two of them work the Wild & Wooly West rodeos - on the road most of the year; and the antique carousel horses she restores in her studio in Wichita, Kansas. 


Then  old friend Kieran Hawes comes calling and 'painted pony' means death.


Annie is the only one who can stop the killing, if she's willing to work with WRAITH. Without her, more people will die. To Annie this is a no-brainer. She gives her all, fighting for those who might die if she does nothing. When Annie finds herself falling for old friend Kier, she accepts that she has found her future. But an accident injures Annie and sends Kier running; now Annie must decide what she wants from life. Life with the man  she loves but who didn't stick around when she was hurt, or life on her own.


Kelsy George

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